It’s Your Money. Why Wait Longer to Access It?

November 19, 2020
Average Read Time: 2 minutes

Small business: it’s great being the boss, but it comes with challenges, too.

Small businesses (fewer than 500 employees) are hailed as the lifeblood of the U.S. economy and for good reason. They employ almost half the nation’s workforce, create two-thirds of net new jobs, and account for 44 percent of U.S. economic activity, according to the Small Business Association and

On the flip side, attrition is high even in normal times. Only about half of all establishments keep their doors open for at least five years, the SBA says. And these are far from normal times, with COVID-19 adding to the stress of small business ownership.

What can help a small business stay healthy, even in challenging times? Simply put: faster access to funds. If you can get your money sooner, cash flow issues–one of the top reasons small businesses fail at any time–become less of a drag on your success.

To help make that happen, MerchantE has introduced Same Day Funding, which enables eligible customers to receive daily card transaction funds within minutes of closing a batch. With MerchantE Same Day Funding, funds are issued directly to the debit card account of the merchant’s choice, available immediately to spend on payroll, supplies, restocking or bill payment, or reinvesting in your business.

Consider this scenario: paychecks are due tomorrow, but cash in the bank is a little bit thin. However, you have a big sale going on, and customers are buying LOTS of products at your store and on your website. You’re expecting a significant bump in your cash flow–but those funds won’t be available for at least a couple of days.

Typically, two days is standard for credit card funding to be deposited in a business’s bank account. “Same day” usually means in the evening at best–not during the workday, and not on weekends. That isn’t much help when you have pressing financial obligations.

However, with Same Day Funding, you can receive funding in near-real time–usually within 30 minutes, each time you submit a batch of card transactions. With that funding time line, payroll constraints are mitigated, and your employees are happy. And a big weight is lifted off your shoulders, not just today, but whenever you need funds to meet immediate needs.

Same Day Funding is fast and easy to set up, offering merchants:

  • Same calendar day access even on weekends.
  • The full amount up to $100,000/day.
  • A flat transaction fee–no percentage charge on the transaction.

It’s your money. Why shouldn’t you get it as soon as possible? Same Day Funding helps businesses take control of their cash flow like never before.

Want to see the power of Same Day Funding in action? Check out this video to lean more!

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