

You need better ways to manage how you pay your people, and better tools to manage expenses.

Choose how and when you pay people.

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Pay People Instantly with EmployeePlus PayoutsSM


The frequency that you pay employees can be the difference in attracting and retaining the best workforce. With Employee Plus PayoutsSM , you have the ability to pay wages, tips, and rewards in real-time using workers’ existing cards or bank accounts gives you a competitive edge.

  • Pay people instantly, directly to their bank accounts
  • Reduce the printing and mailing of checks and gig workers avoid the hassle of cashing them
  • Employees choose how frequently they get paid–even daily
  • Use with your existing payroll provider
  • No new or separate account, virtual card, or mobile app required with our push to card technology
  • Big company financial tools for any size business
  • Eliminate lengthy ACH processing times

A few examples
of how businesses
use this financial tool:

  • Paying tips at the end of a shift
  • Paying a catering crew at the end of the night
  • Paying a handyman for a completed repair

Pre-ImbursementsSM — the Answer to No Corporate Card, No Expense Reports and No Petty Cash

Pre Imbursements

Our Pre-ImbursementsSM solution enables you to pre-authorize payouts to your workers’ own card or account, based on rules that you define, and it auto-reconciles once the purchase is made.

  • Relieve the burden on employees to make purchases or travel for the company while waiting to be reimbursed
  • Potentially eliminates the need for corporate cards
  • You set the expiration date and the rules for how much can be spent and where it can be spent
  • A pending credit gets applied to the worker’s card until the approved purchase is made, auto-reconciling
  • You have peace of mind and your workers can get their job done without the hassle of managing cash advances or the extra work of submitting expense reports
  • Real-time tracking, reporting and audit

A few examples
of how businesses
use this financial tool:

  • Sending someone to get lunch for the office
  • Going to the hardware store for a ladder while on a job site
  • Traveling for work — preset amounts for hotels, airfare, meals, and more

Gain Control of your Money OUT - Like Never Before.

Managing how your money flows out of your company can be just as important as how you accept payments coming in. That's why we've added advanced options for how you pay people and how you manage expense reimbursements. More ways for you to be in control.

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