The Power to Choose


It’s your business, your money, and your choice. You’re at the forefront of everything we do. We’ve made it easier to bring Money IN™ and move Money OUT™ of your business with more flexibility to choose the tools you need to maximize your cash flow—and we integrate with the products you already use to run your business.

A Modern
Fintech Story

In the 20 years we’ve been serving our customers, we’ve witnessed incredible change. Some of those changes have brought needless costs and barriers to doing business today. That’s why we’re leveraging our deep knowledge of this complex industry to be your advocate and to deliver innovative solutions for your business. You can rest assured you’ve chosen a transparent, secure, and predictable financial technology partner.

Here is the foundation of innovation that drives us to be better for you.

  • Key: MerchantE Events Industry Events

  • Redwood City, CA. We came from some of the largest banks and payments companies in the industry to deliver a new way to help businesses with their money.
  • Broadband expands to 20%+ of households and e-commerce begins to take off.
  • Alliance forged with NetSuite as one of the original payment processors serving the needs of NetSuite users, fully integrated to the NetSuite ERP.
  • Facebook is launched in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Global council to drive adoption of data security standards and make payments safe worldwide established, called the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Council.
  • Mobile commerce and social media takes off.
  • U.S. begins requiring use of
    EMV chip cards to help prevent fraud from counterfeit,lost and stolen cards.
  • MerchantE moves its Headquarters to Atlanta, GA - the fintech capital of the U.S.
  • Company rebrands to reflect our focus in providing businesses more choice and transparency with our expanding fintech offerings. Watch our story!

The financial technology world is continuously evolving. We’re leveraging our knowledge of this complex industry to be your advocate and deliver innovative financial solutions for your business.


Transparency and Trust

For more than two decades, MerchantE has tied our success to yours. We consistently set the bar high, delivering innovative services for our customers and growing our company. We are built on integrity, transparency, and trust. We are responsible and fair, and we encourage our customers, partners, vendors, and employees to report any concerns about misconduct without fear of retaliation. We listen. We grow. Together.  


If you are interested in growing with us, be sure to check out our careers

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